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Cheap Car Rental in Lombok

    div dir = "ltr" style = "text-align: left;" Trbidi = "on"> The solution is to save on a trip to Lombok for those of you who are already often using a fleet of car rental release/lease without driver in advance compared to using the Online application in terms of car rental. So it is already very certainly more save on spending budget while in Lombok.

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    Detail Information
    Sewa Rental Mobil Murah Lombok

    Sewa Mobil di Lombok dengan Supir sangat direkomendasikan
    Kami sangat merekomendasikan anda menggunakan rental mobil dengan supir bersama Juni Lombok Rental, karena dapat memudahkan anda dalam mengatur segalan jadwal perjalanan terutama dalam mengunjungi objek wisata favorit di Lombok bahkan objek wisata tersembunyi dan paling menarik yang belum banyak orang kunjungi sebelumnya. Hal ini menjadi keuntungan tersendiri bagi anda yang berlibur ke Lombok bersama keluarga tanpa perlu pusing kemana destinasi wisata yang akan anda tuju dengan tetap santai dan relax bersama keluarga tercinta.

    Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Menyewa Mobil
    Saat ini, untuk memiliki sebuah mobil tidaklah begitu sulit. Banyaknya Bank dan Perusahaan Pendanaan (peminjaman/leasing) yang tumbuh di Indonesia belakangan ini, telah membawa perubahan yang cukup signifikan bagi dunia Otomotif.

    Sewa Mobil Mewah Alphard

    Bagi sebahagian orang, tentunya hal ini tidaklah mengapa. Karena tentunya mereka memiliki sumber dana atau penghasilan yang mencukupi. Namun, bagi Anda yang memiliki dana pas-pasan tentunya akan berfikir dua atau tiga kali untuk memiliki sebuah mobil. Karena selain harganya yang cukup mahal, Anda juga harus siap dengan biaya perawatannya yang cukup tinggi serta kewajiban pajak yang menanti setiap tahunnya. Untuk itu, bagi Anda yang belum sanggup untuk membeli sebuah mobil atau tidak mau direpotkan dengan perawatan serta biaya-biaya lain, atau mungkin hanya membutuhkan mobil pada saat-saat tertentu saja. Maka Alternatif penyewaan mobil adalah salah satu solusi terbaik buat Anda.

    Menggunakan mobil sewaan/rental mobil saat ini sangatlah mudah dan cukup terjangkau, hal ini dikarenakan pertumbuhan jasa penyedia layanan tersebut juga tumbuh cukup pesat. Tidaklah begitu sulit untuk menemukan penyedia layanan sewa mobil disekitar Anda. Tinggal Anda saja yang harus pandai-pandai memilih mana yang pas dan dapat dipercaya. Serta tentunya yang memiliki Armada dan harga sewa yang cocok bagi kantong Anda.

    Sama seperti membeli mobil, menyewa mobil juga ada pro dan kontranya. Untuk itu, saya mencoba untuk memberikan sedikit rangkuman yang saya peroleh dari beberapa sumber mengenai kelebihan dan kekurangan dari menyewa mobil.


    Berbeda dengan membeli mobil sendiri, menyewa mobil memiliki beberapa kelebihan, yakni:

    A.1. Dapat memiliki Mobil idaman dengan Dana yang rendah

    Jika membeli mobil harus mengeluarkan dana yang cukup besar, maka dengan menyewa mobil Anda cukup mengeluarkan dana sesuai kebutuhan Anda saja. Hal ini dikarenakan, sistem penyewaan mobil dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Misalkan, Anda hanya membutuhkan mobil tersebut selama 3 hari, maka biaya yang harus Anda keluarkan hanya selama 3 hari tersebut saja.

    A.2. Biaya bulanan yang rendah dan hampir tidak Ada.

    Cars are tools that also require futures maintenance, it is necessary for your comfort in driving and increase the life span of the vehicle. The cost of car care for now is still quite expensive and varied, ranging from lightweight service (about hundreds of thousands) to weight (millions of rupiah). Yet another case if you rent a car, because the regular service is not charged to you. But it is the responsibility of the owner/rental service provider. If anything, it is generally optional where in some cases, for example you rent to monthly, or yearly, oil and light service change fees may be charged to you, depending on the agreement beginning with the service provider.

    A. 3. Free of charge of motor vehicle tax, vehicle plate and customs name.

    Almost identical to point A. 2. Above, that the costs pertaining to the tax obligations of motor vehicles and others are not the responsibility of the renter but the burden for the provider.

    A. 4. Can have expensive luxury car with cheap cost

    Imagine what costs you should spend when you want to buy a luxury car. This of course becomes a distinct advantage of renting a car. Currently, rental cars are not only fixed on the daily car or family car. But also penetrated into the luxury cars, such as the Toyota Fortuner type, Toyota Alphard, BMW type Z, Mercy even there is also the offer of Ferari or Lamborghini.

    Renting a luxury car is certainly cheaper than buying it, well... Just make style, Fun and your photos enough to spend around 1-10 million rupiah per day for luxury cars and 10-50 million rupiah for sport types.

    A. 5. Can alternate the latest car every year or two more

    Yapz, this is also one of the advantages of renting a car. You are not stuck on that car-that's about it, but you are free to choose and switch the type/variant according to your funds and the car offered by the service provider.

    A. 6. The car is already covered by the car rental company

    Generally, and almost entirely, all cars leased by car rental service providers have been covered by insurance. So if you have an accident both light and heavy, you will not have to worry about the car. As long as your usage is reasonable, then any damage will not be charged to you, as the tenant will claim to their insurance company. However, there are certain fines that the rental service provider may apply to you in accordance with the prior approval.


    Besides the advantages, there is certainly a shortage. Here are a few things that are deficient in the car's coagulate according to the author:

    B. 1. You do not have the car until the end

    Unlike with your own car, car loans have time constraints and cannot be sold. Even if you rent a car for a long period of time, it is not your own personal car. So, when the agreed time is over, then you must/must return the car to the owner/provider. Many are also certain cases where, borrowers do theft mode with a car hire road. It is of course unlawful and can be politiced.

    B. 2. Can not modify the car

    For those of you who like to modify cars and want to drive a car with a cool look, you should hold your appetite if the car is a rented car. Because the car rental is not your car, and the provider certainly does not allow any modification/change in their car. Moreover, the modifications reduce the value of the car itself, and not necessarily the automobile is liked by other tenants after you.

    B. 3. If renting for years, it will be cheaper when the money is used to try a new car

    For this, it is certainly different between personal tenants and companies. In multiplication of course, monthly cost can cover for car installment fee. But for large companies, there are some policies that are more profitable with hiring than buying cars for operations, and it is still related to monthly and yearly fees and other possibilities.

    B. 4. You will be subject to a penalty when the car is damaged

    As in point A. 6. If the car you are renting is damaged, you are certainly subject to a certain penalty and this is already written on the loan agreement clause that you handled earlier.

    B. 5. You will lose when you return the car before the contract is discharged

    Similar to the principle of contract in general, if you do not need the car and want to restore it, when you have paid and the car rental rights still exist. Then your money will certainly not return.

    According to the author, there are many more advantages and disadvantages of this car rental system. But broadly, the authors have tried to convey at the above points.

    End word, renting a car is certainly a wise way when you want to have a car temporarily. Or you don't have enough money to buy a car, but want to immediately feel the benefits of a car, or also you are a person or agency who does not want to bothered with maintenance issues and monthly fees. Then the car rental solution can be a smart alternative for you.
