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Jobs in Bali |
The tragic story that befalls the Indonesian workforce (TKI) is often the topic of news coverage in the mass media. Most TKI get inhumane treatment when working abroad. On the other hand, there are successful residents into TKI, the story of success here is not the class of being a conglomerate but at least the intention of being initially become a workforce because it wants to change his life or his family has been reached even some migrant workers managed to become a successful entrepreneur.
In this article, we are re-aired in order to be input and lesson for our other workforce, that is, if they-they can be successful why do not you? From various sources we raise the story of several successful WORKERS as follows:
1. Maman and wife of Majalengka
Maman originated from Majalengka-Jabar. His wife had departed as a tkw for three years, coupled with the arrival of her husband who followed up on the initiative of his wife then given a driver's visa.. So now it's been 5years of work, during the work in Saudi his wife and the couple have been able to build a permanent house and also buy the rice fields a few hundred meters. and buy Angkot.. Makhlum husband wife so fast really get the Duini..!! During working... His son is on Foster by the mother of this maman wife..! And now the spouse of this wife was home Kamnpung and did not return to Saudi Arabia. With reason already enough.. Already have capital to transfer vegetable traders in Majalengka market..! While his wife now only parenting alone at home ya Itung-Itung break.. Grasing the body after 5years of hard work as a domestic workers in Saudi Arabia..!! But at least now they can smile this couple because it has a permanent house and also a car for the shuttle and rice fields for planting rice for food..! When their intention is about to work again Disaudi... Just because being lied to not one boss (wife in Abha, husband in Jeddah), then they do not extend anymore.. Most met if his wife was brought to Jeddah, because his employer was still one family brother... Congratulations for this couple..!
2. Khori and wife of Madura.
Well this couple else again his story.. They came via Umrah, after their umrah and fled to the house of the Dijeddah Sodaranya who is already in the plan.. From Madura..! First of all they are struggling to find work especially her husband because he is less clever as a driver, then Dijeddah work most just at the restaurant or keep the House of Arabs..! While his wife as a direct domestic workers step... Because the demand of domestic workers in Jeddah is very high, then in a matter of days his wife is already able to work with a salary of at least 1200SR/month, long after language know.. His wife.. Have their own initiative, which is part time work in various houses of Arabs.. The way is today's work at home si A, tomorrow si B and so on.. Anyway calculated in a week may be 3times come with maximum work 4-5hours/day in each home..!! From one family depends there is a YG love 600SR-700sr/month, because he works in five families then one month can monetize more than 3000sr more.. This is usual for tkw Kaburan... Daily work his name..! And can go home the rental... Every day! The husband... can be 1000SR/month from Direstoran work, the total of these pairs can be money 4000SR/month..! I have asked the same husband this.. Why get to Saudi Arabia.. The reason for the classic really cubs are already studying in the college nurse in Madura..!! Hence because the cost is very large, they are forced to pass Umroh, used to trade the fish in Madura or so fishermen.. But not enough for the cost of a girl who attended college nurse..! But unfortunately her husband is now to catch the police and at deportation to Indonesia, while his wife is still safe work Dijeddah, many Sodaranya yg work Dijeddah..!
3. Saedudin and wife of Purwokerto
Well that is still one village with me..! Saedudin this already bangkotan tki times have been a long time there 10years work in Saudi Arabia, even his wife is back first, the day when I leave.. God. have been able to build a luxury house two instead, one is occupied and the other is emptied and have a yard that has a pond..! Small car pic ups also already have made the shuttle item, while now the grocery business and the play station for the children in it..! During the work in Saudi the salary is up to 1800SR/not to mention sometimes can be a car wash that Saudi YG Ngontrok home so a month NIH people can 2500SR/But alas because of the money he ketaruk when want to cross the tkw to Mecca YG want Work in Mecca.. (Need to know Jeddah people or outside of Mecca who want to enter the Mecca must hit the Chek point) and he got banned can not enter Saudi for 5years, because it brings the woman who is not Muhrimnya, but he his intention ngobyek/deliver only.... Cross this woman from Jeddah to Mecca who want to work in Makkah..! But it is quite rich so he is not so sorry... Although still his intention want to return to Saudi Arabia, but unfortunately it has been banned for 5years..! So hard if you want to Saudi again..! Must be patient..!
4. Mas Sahid and the wife 9of Sumbawa
Well ya others again.. Story..!! Already driver and husband wife up to over 10 years also.. The salary is not great, just a stuck of 1400sr, either wife or husband.. But because it has been so long.. Photos already have own house and Angkot car in Sumbawa.. His children are also big-high school already..!! YG Funny wife let her husband polygamy/mating again..!! The same polygamy of Cirebon not even divorced... Fortunately his wife is still faithful and even laughs!! Emang sick got two wives..? One aje not consumable wife two.. Very nice... Hehehe.. Sunattulah said. Keep said wife anyway.. Afraid not to enter Heaven Kalo gak ngijinin marry again.. Wife Nubile.. Husband who Ndablek.. Yes Gimana Gak Ndablek.. Wife has helped so TKLW with one employer, for years instead ask for a wedding permit again.. Luckily Kok ya in Allow..! Hehehe.. But his wife Pinter make Nasi uduk.. Delicious... I've been given.. Long time dah..!! Now he wants to leave for 6 months and want to try Diindo business, if the road, then.. Not to return to Saudi Arabia, if it fails then it is back again..!
So do not look at Tki/w it's low.. Especially considered shameful nation.. For me tkw/I do not embarrassing the nation, embarrassing the nation is a corruptor, and KKN, politicians who just promise the sale, as well as the mafia who made the judiciary Indonesia viewed as a true country and investors run all..! Yes it was because of the bureaucratic bureaucracies, as well as security guarantees who are uncertain..!
Fore anyway I hope built a kind of house layover/agency to monitor the fate of Tki/W in Saudi.. So the principle.. TKW It's not a Saudi employer but it works, so need to be supervised..! And should not be treated arbitrarily..! If there is a report of the tkw that he can not his rights such as unpaid salary, not given a meal, or even threatened by his soul because it wants to be raped etc. then the House/Agency can take action by pulling the tkw..! This YG need to be discussed with the Government of Saudi Arabia.. Kalo can open a representative/House layover/agency in 13 provinces in Saudi Arabia, Arabia's country is widespread and job opportunities are enormous for the driver sector and tkw... Just not maximum protection..! Other sectors are also many, only Indonesians fail to compete with Filipines and Indians.
You only have to provide the job field is certainly no YG want to be a tki..!! Of course balanced between income and expenditure.. Here Saudi for example.. Although the migrant workers segitu, but they can be allowance for tkw.. So can be intact..!! While food prices are also affordable..!!
The story of former migrant workers so car entrepreneurs
The tragic story that befalls the Indonesian workforce (TKI) is often the topic of news coverage in the mass media. Most TKI get inhumane treatment when working abroad.
On the other hand, there are successful residents to become TKI and escape the attention. One of them is Edi Suryadi (46), residents of the village Cirendeu RT 03 RW 03 Mekarsari Village, District Nyalindung, Sukabumi District.
Edi was a four-year-old TKI in Saudi Arabia. Edi's departure became a driver in the country in 2000 then it was merely to seek business capital in his own country. After the capital terkuhttp://cms.republika.co.id/news/creatempul, Edi returned home to the homeland in 2004.
Unlike other TKI, before leaving for overseas, Edi has mastered Arabic language. The Arabic language understanding was acquired while studying at the Madrasah. "Language skills become the main capital working abroad," said Edi. If it is not able to master the language of the country where it works, the potential to be lied and severely abused occurs.
The ability of the language also makes Edi earnings greater. The reason is, Edi had to bargain the salary offered to him. Initially, the salary was given only as much as 800 Saudi riyals per month. However, Edi asks for 1,200 riyals per month. The request was denied by his employer in Saudi Arabia.
The impact, Edi said, every four months he can send money amounting to Rp 10 million to the homeland. The money was saved by his wife, Eti Budiati (40) for the business capital of opening a car showroom.
After four years of working in Saudi Arabia, Edi said, he decided to go home to the homeland. The money he has made during this time was used as a business capital to open a used and new car showroom in his residence.
The result of being a TKI can be used to finance their children until attending college. In fact, Edi is able to buy rice fields and private cars. Although he worked abroad, Edi refused to return to Saudi Arabia. "Working domestically more comfortably," he principles.
Sukisman and Goddess of Origin Garut
Many stories of TKI fared. If not, the migrant workers who go home are failed to utilize the money he collected during work abroad. Then, confused looking for a job again and forever just be a kuli. In fact, being a kuli in his own income could not be the same as in foreign countries.
Meanwhile, her productive age was spent in the land of Rantu. Home was half an old age. Already can not have the bargaining power to choose work. Worse yet, former TKI tend to lazy work with low salaries. Because, already accustomed to the big salary abroad.
Realizing the possibility of this bad thing, former migrant workers who are married couples, Sukisman and Dewi, try to prepare the old days as early as possible. Both were 35 years old, and had been a migrant worker in Korea.
A married couple who claimed to meet each other in Jakarta was now successfully grazed quail eggs. Net profit reaches Rp. 1 million/week. The initial capital has also returned within six months.
Success was not coming without exams. But it begins with a total rise in cattle raising. Because of the great bankruptcy, Dewi must be willing to be left to go to Korea. Looking for more capital for effort.
In fact, at that time the original goddess of Garut, West Java just gave birth to her first child, Gerrad Meilano (5). His second son, Aditya Al Majid, who is 11 months old was born almost as the start of the Quail egg business.
Dewi began her household with uncertainties of income. However, they are now well established. It has a two-storey livestock feed shop and a quail for laying cattle of 4 thousand.
The seller also has ajeg. There is a pinning of Klaten that once every two weeks comes taking eggs. This is still plus the big advantage of the chirping business that costs from two hundred thousand to millions rupiah.
Post-bankruptcy success
Dewi, from Garut West Java. Derived from the family can not afford and live in the village. As in general young women who have just graduated high school in 1996, Dewi also wants to work immediately. Because school in college is obviously not possible.
Absence of cost is a constraint. As a result, since graduation from high school, Dewi was determined to find a job. In fact, in Garut there are rarely large factories. Therefore, the goddess who wanted to change her fate had a determination to wander.
First time, worked in a factory in Purwokerto. However, only lasted for two years. Afterward, return to the village and be idle. She did not want to be just a hand, Dewi returned to work. His determination was getting rounded and big, so he decided to work abroad.
After a difficult to apply through PJTKI, the beginning of 2003 can depart abroad and work in a sanitary mill in Korea. When he was about to depart for foreign affairs, he met and became acquainted with Sukisman. A migrant workers from Selman who also wanted to complain in Korea.
The introduction continued the Salama both in the land of the people. After the second working contact, Dewi and Sukisman returned to Indonesia. That time, in 2005. A year later, 2006, they were married, "The married time, we were both still idle," said Dewi.
His belly button never had a job, Sukisman desperate departed for Korea again. While Dewi lived in Garut with her first child who was only two weeks old.
His three-year-old Sukisman worked in Korea. In 2009, Sukisman came home and both agreed to open a business in the hometown of Sukisman in Pendowoharjo, Sleman. Dewi agrees.
"The year 2009, we agreed to cattle. Unmitigated, we both bought 10 cows. But, all that fails. The price of the cow was free and we lost two million rupiahs. It hasn't included energy and feed losses, "Dwi recalled.
However, that failure did not make them desperate. Instead, it continues to pump her husband's spirit to continue Berushaa. Finally through a friend, Dewi studied laying quail.
In late 2009, Dewi and Sukisman shoulder to build quail farms. The residual money of cow sales is Ruti, invested again to grazed quail eggs and make livestock feed stalls small business.
"No thought, from quail cattle as many as 4 thousand tails, all the capital has returned within six months. The turnover is very high, "said Dewi.
Now, Dewi is increasingly diligent in nurturing quail eggs. Although quite difficult, the results are worth it.
Keeping laying quail is difficult, because it belongs to sensitive cattle. Easily contracting the disease and stress. "If you hear loud noises suddenly, quail can be stressful. But with a cage that is closed and cleaned every day, all the obstacles are not problematic, "said Dewi, while it is a cure because it also prohibits others from being able to get to the cage. Besides the advantages of quail eggs. Dewi also still gains another advantage from the sale of dirt. From 4 thousand quail, in a day produce dirt as much as 3 buckets. "A bucket of quail dirt that is still wet sold for a thousand rupiah," he said.
While from its own, sometimes also can be gained a little more profit. One year, once, the unproductive quail sold for Rp. 2,500/tail and changed quail age 3 weeks. "The quail will start laying at the age of 60 days and reach the peak of its productivity at the age of 10 months," he concluded.
The average story of Minahasa TKI so billionaire
Behind the story of grief that often adorns the journey of life of Indonesian workers abroad, such as Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, there are still many success stories of migrant workers who are in the country of people.
In Minahasa, North Sulawesi, for example, there are not a few migrant workers who work on Drudge in the country of a billionaire in his hometown. In fact, there is a village namely Waleure village, District Langowan Timur, Minahasa Regency which most of the population become TKI in the United States. Dozens of them have even been pocket green cards.
In the village, there are magnificent rows of houses along the way. People who pass through the village directly can easily guess if the owners of the houses must be those who become TKI in the land of Uncle Sam. In the garage of these luxury homes are usually a variety of car brands.
Olvie Tunas, 56 years old, one of the migrant workers who recently returned from America after working for six years said, with an average income of RP30 to Rp 40 million per month, he could set aside his earnings to build a magnificent house in the village His yard, his children were able to buy a number of cars, create a shop for his business, buy acres of paddy fields and garden land, also have money deposits in the bank.
At the age of the young no longer, Olvie still hopes to go back to America to work. Olvie is only one of the many successful TKI from Waleure village. There are many other Olvie-Olvie that come from a number of areas in Minahasa, which work in a number of countries such as America, Japan and Hongkong.
The government of Minahasa Regency itself is very grateful to the condition of the migrant workers from the Minahasa region, although it is recognized that the government does not know exactly the number. Hpp
Story of TKI success from Banyumas
ALTHOUGH It has been working for a long time, it does not overtake Solihatin to continue education. Yes, Atin — his nickname — Wander into Taiwan for about 10 years, precisely from 2000. However, in Indonesia, Atin, a graduate of the SMEA of Muhammadiyah Ajibarang, Banyumas, Central Java, immediately embodies his wishes. I time SMEA Ngambil of Secretary Majors. However, SMEA chose to wander abroad, "said the woman who lives in Bantar, Jatilawang, Banyumas, Central Java.
In the same way, Atin's strong wishes continued his family. The Atin family arguably is an educational family. Although Atin's mother is just a housewife, her father is a retired teacher. While still active, Mr. Atin once served as principal of one of the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah — at the level of ELEMENTARY-school in his area. All her older brothers were not only until SLTA. After the SLTA, they continued to study again. His three sisters are also. The most small is now still attending the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), ' ' said the 6th child of 9 siblings when contacted by INDOPOS, Wednesday night (20/7).
Sepulang from Taiwan on November 4, 2010, Atin wanted soon to be able to continue the education. ' ' Because it has long been not held the book, I ngambil diploma two majors Library. Join Open University. If you are fluent, you can Ngambil S1. Yes it has long been not learned, tried the mind first. Education is important. Especially now, without lectures, difficult to find work, ' ' Obviously the birth of 1978 women.
Atin also adds to his experience with computer courses and works in the Library of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in his region. ' ' In MI, it happened to need libraries. Here it is newly pioneered. If the course is finished. More help-Help the mother in the house, ' ' The light of the girl is still the single.
Why not be a teacher like his father first? Atin admitted not interested. Hence, when SMEA took his secretary's course. To be a teacher, far away. Not his. Office work Pengin. Yes like a librarian. Gratitude is acceptable as a civil SERVANT, "said the woman admitted while working in Taiwan only worked at one employer.
Atin conscious, the salary gained from his current job, is far from what he acquired when taking care of his employer's parents in Taiwan. But here, the important thing is the smooth income. Could be devotion. And more importantly, close to the parents. I went home because Bapak-ibu had been sepuh. Wanting to take care of them, ' ' The light of Atin who used to wander because wants to help her parents to have her sisters.
During his work abroad, Atin did manage to help his three younger siblings continue his education. His two siblings were exactly, finishing his undergraduate or S1. The one was already a civil servant at the transportation office, was placed in Kalimantan. Meanwhile, one becomes a teacher, in STM. My sister used to lecture at UMY, while the one in UNS Solo. The last one is still attending UMY, ' ' The word Atin who lives in the home with her parents.
Atin admitted, the results of his payables during the wander were not used for business. ' ' No talent of business. The trade line, yes No. Most buy land, some of the paddy fields are managed parents, some are rented, "said the student of the second semester.
During his work in Taiwan, Atin admitted to never having problems with his employer. In fact, his employer appreciated the Atin. They consider Atin not as a helper or worker. They already considered me as a family part. For example, eating together. Some of the lessons I can from Taiwan are about discipline and high working spirit. They seemed not to know the time. If the work was a quick wanted finished, but the result is satisfactory, ' ' said Atin who claimed to be the Taiwanese language.
Nevertheless, Atin is no longer interested in re-wandering. Today, he focuses on thinking his future. ' ' No longer interested in working abroad. Want to be married. That's important, ' ' he concluded. Zul
The story of TKI from Bali to tens of millions
Who says being an Indonesian worker abroad is always difficult? Many stories tell the success experiences of migrant workers abroad, with an abundant salary and prestigious position. It is the one experienced by Made, a Balinese man who has a salary of tens of millions rupiahs per month.The department is made not playful. He is the Manager of House Keeping at Ephilia Resort in Seychelles Islands. Malang crosses the hospitality world, eventually Made ' stranded ' on an island located in the middle of a very secluded Indian Ocean, and away from civilization.
I work here already 8 months, "Made started the conversation after lunch with the group of National Agency placement and Protection of Indonesian workers (BNP2TKI) in the resort where Made work, Ehilia Resort located on the largest island in Seychelles Island, Thursday (14/12/2011).
Unmitigated, with his current position, the man who was still strong in the Balinya, received a salary of US $2,800 per month. If it is recorded, every month Made can spend less than Rp 25 million. The salary amount can be intact because while in the Seychelles, Made get a three-time meal facility, and the residence is borne by where he works.
Made benefited with the isolated conditions of the Seychelles Islands. There are no malls and shopping malls here, so the monthly salary is not disturbed.
But what is the work at all? "Because of the money," replied Made laughing jokingly.
Nowadays, Made takes hundreds of house keeping in its luxury resort. His subordinates also consisted of various nations. Some of them are from India, Philippines, Arab descent, Bule, and also Indonesian citizen.
Speaking of Indonesian workforce at Ephelia Resort, there are a total of 7 people, including Made. The rest, a man Made assistant named Johan who was also born and big in Bali, but the descendants of NTT. While the five others are spa experts from Bali and Yogyakarta, all of which are women.
As assistant Made, Johan's salary is also tempting. The man who has ever done at some of the top hotels in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia is currently paid at USD 1,000 Per month. The salary does not include other additions, such as a varied service charge, averaging US $150 Per month.
Johan who experienced many years in the field of house keeping decided to move to the Seychelles Islands because of disappointment with a salary in the country that is not good. "For the position as I was the most salaried Rp 4 million," it's all.
While the Indonesian SPA experts are paid between US $650-800. Although it is smaller than Made and Johan, when compared with the salaries of Indonesian spa therapists, the salary of 5 women is still relatively high.
The secret of success Nuryati a current WORKERS become lecturers
Saudi government rewards Nuryati Solapari, former women's Workforce (TKW), who currently works as a lecturer and teaches law in the University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang Motivator for Indonesian workers (TKI) Nurhayati Solapatri is an ingenious person. The woman who is now a lecturer of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa provides tips to the 100 prospective TKI who will depart to Taiwan and Hongkong at the Center for Education and exercise Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu), South Jakarta, Saturday (11/6/2011).
Nurhayati told when he became a TKI to the Arab country initiated the despair of the difficulty of earning money for the tuition fee, he decided to enroll into labor services company Indonesia (PJTKI) in Banten with the aim to Can attend. "I then wanted to study and then I thought to be a TKI," said this three children. The experience is not too sweet, PJTKI who recruit himself does not give any training, so Nurhayati must learn by self-taught. "I was given a certificate of expertise, but in fact I was not given training," he said. Aware that the culture in Saudi Arabia must be different from the culture in Indonesia, he finally explores a lot of information about the culture of TKI-TKI who have worked in Saudi Arabia. "I always note anything important in the booklet. So every thing is something, I always open the magic book, "he said. When he departed for Saudi Arabia in 1998, before boarding a plane he bought a needle and thread, so that while on board he wrote important numbers that he could call when he later had problems in the country. "I wrote with threads and needles important numbers, so that my veil contents are all phone numbers. But it is written not a number, but the codes so as not to suspect the employer later, "he recalled. He also told an example of the cultural differences between Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. When he was going to bathe his master's son, suddenly his employer was angry at him. "You're crazy," says Nurhayati modeled his employer. But from the mistake he just knew, if in the Arabian people he had not, every day. "That time my employer asked me to bathe his son twice a week, Monday and Thursday," he said. In addition, he told the prospective TKI if in Arabic the woman must be cynical to the men. "If the woman answers the question while the smiles, it will mean the woman likes the man who asks him," Nurhayati's story is clear when it becomes TKI, making Nurhayati always work with the target, even he deliberately Carrying textbooks in his high school to Saudi Arabia. So he could work abroad while studying again the sciences he had taught in school. So that when he returned to Indonesia with the capital of the money he was the cash payed into TKI for two years. He also enrolled and attended a public universities admission selection. "Then I entered the State University, and could pass 3.5 years from the Department of Law," he said. He gave also how to make salary money to be not depleted. According to him money that salary from his employer should always be taken every month, do not awaited because of this that resulted in the employer does not pay the salary of TKI. Then he sent money to the village and bought rice fields as an investment land. Not stopping until there his struggle, he was in college to open catering and still work in a restaurant to finance his college. So that his hard efforts are now fruitful, with the title S2 he held, he also became a lecturer in the university where he drew a science that gave him a bachelor's degree. From Nurhayati story, maybe we can learn a sense of life. A TKI can be a successful person and realize our dreams. "Anyway if so TKI should never intend to be a second Tki, just one time. So when we become migrant workers must have a goal, "he said. The Saudi government awarded Nuryati Solapari, a former women's workforce (TKW), who currently works as a lecturer and teaches law in the University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang, Banten. The award was given directly by the Deputy Ambassador of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta, Majed Abdulaziz Al-Dayel. The awarding ceremony took place at the embassy office of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta on Tuesday (28/12), and was attended by the special staff of the Minister of Labour and Transmigration, Abdulwahid Maktub, a number of embassy officials, and Nuryati and his family. In his speech, Al-Dayel said that in the midst of the success stories experienced by thousands of migrant workers in his country, there is also a special case that some migrant workers suffer from the actions of a handful of their employers.
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